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Integrity and ethics for graduate researchers

The University of Canberra is committed to promoting and ensuring the responsible conduct of research. This includes fostering an environment characterised by the following principles:

  • Intellectual honesty in undertaking and reporting research;
  • Respect for all participants in and subjects of research, including humans, animals and the environment;
  • Accuracy in representing contributions to research;
  • Collegiality and fairness in interactions, including communications and sharing of resources with other researchers; and
  • Transparency in declaring conflicts of interest.

To that end, it is important that researchers and research candidates meet their obligations in maintaining high standards of responsible research and adhere to regulations and policies relating to all aspects of the conduct of research.

Training in research integrity, ethics, and the avoidance of plagiarism for research candidates should be given high priority, and occur as early as possible during candidature.


As part of its commitment to supporting high standards of research integrity, research candidates are able to access online discipline specific training modules and face-to-face workshops that provide guidance on principles of robust research practices and advice on solving complex ethical and integrity issues that they may encounter.

Completion of the modules is mandatory for all research candidates prior to confirmation of candidature (see HDR Progress and Milestones Policy). The (Canvas login required) are available online.

Research Integrity Advisers

The University has appointed Advisers on Integrity in Research who are available to candidates who may have concerns about research conduct issues. Candidates may consult any of the listed Advisers for confidential advice.

For more information on research integrity at the University of Canberra see .


Candidates whose research includes human or animal participants are advised to attend an ethics workshop before commencing the application process.  Details are available at


As a member of the University of Canberra community, research candidates are expected to uphold certain standards and values in order to act with integrity.  The Student Conduct Rules and the Student Charter contain important information regarding your responsibilities, including your responsibilities in regards to academic integrity.

There are tools available to help you meet your academic integrity obligations.

An online Academic Integrity Module (AIM) is available via this or via the (Canvas login required). The module contains videos and other information on how to avoid plagiarism and to pursue all your academic endeavors with integrity.

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