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About us

wiradjuri staff member supervising kids in outdoor area

Our Centre is well staffed by qualified teachers and exceeds all national quality standards. University of Canberra Teacher Education students work here for a period between 1 and 4 years while they complete their full-time study in Early Childhood education. Permanent staff members have many years experience working with student educators to deliver a high quality educational experience for the children as well as the pre-service teachers.

We are open Monday to Friday from 8:00am - 5:30pm, from mid-January to mid-December, including school holidays.

Our program  caters for children from two to six years of age. Click here for more details about enrolment eligibility.

Our Aims

  • To promote a curriculum that is gender inclusive; recognises our society as multicultural; and promotes social justice
  • To encourage children to:
    • develop their full potential
    • be caring, sharing individuals
    • develop and sustain a spirit of enquiry
    • develop a child's confidence and self-esteem
    • be inventive and cope with change
    • create a love for learning
  • To provide an environment for children to develop socially, emotionally, physically, intellectually and creatively through structured experiences and play.

Our Purpose

Wiradjuri has been established to:

  • provide high quality early childhood education.
  • be an integral part of the Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood) program.
  • focus on innovation and research.
  • be a key learning centre for students, teachers and the community.
  • provide a community service for the city of Canberra.

Our specialisations include Literacy and STEM. We are very proud of our commitment to the inclusion of Indigenous perspectives and reconciliation more generally.

For Children

Our philosophy for children is that early childhood is:

  • Active: as children explore, investigate, experiment, think and communicate in challenging environments.
  • Relevant: by building on children's experiences, ideas, interests and cultural backgrounds.
  • Planned: to cater for children's emotional, social and intellectual and physical growth.
  • Child Centred: by focussing on the developmental needs and learning styles of children.
  • A Continuum: of family oriented learning and values continued participation of parents.
  • A Foundation: for future education and those values that promote co-operative human endeavour.

For Teachers

Our philosophy for teachers is that they:

  • acquire an understanding of children's development through careful observation and interaction;
  • explicitly model the learning processes and introduce knowledge areas to children eg., language, mathematics, science, technology, music, art, etc;
  • work together with children in these knowledge areas and jointly construct understandings; and
  • gradually hand over responsibility for the learning task as the child gains understanding and confidence.


  • Cultural awareness: acknowledging and developing relationships to culture and Country.
  • Social justice and inclusion: acknowledging and respecting Australia's multi-cultural community
  • Maths: sorting, classifying, pattern, number, shape, colour, problem solving.
  • Language and Literacy: listening, speaking, reading, writing.
  • Books: enjoyment of books, concept of books, shared book experiences.
  • Science & Technology: Tinkering Table, Nature Table, Computers, use of the Design, Make and Appraise Process, Cooking and selected group times.
  • Blocks: spatial awareness, problem solving social development, classification, use of design, make and appraise process.
  • Play: role play, social/emotional development, transference of self into role.
  • Puzzles: problem solving, spatial awareness, fine motor control.
  • Music: develop rhythm, beat, pitch.
  • Art: develop creativity, develop awareness of aesthetic environment colour, texture, patterns, fine motor - cutting, pasting, painting.
  • Outdoor: gross and fine motor skills, spatial awareness, social play and environmental awareness.


Our curriculum is framed by 

For more information about the Early Years Learning Framework please visit this Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) webpage -

All routines are flexible according to the needs of the children and in response to the weather, planned excursions, visitors and unexpected events.

Sample Program

Time Activity


8.00 am Centre Opens
Welcome, individual learning activities

Preschool Program

9.20 am Music
9.30 am Programmed Activities
Children involved in learning areas of the Centre. Children pack away.
10.30 am Language and Literacy Group
10.45 am Morning tea
11.00 am Outside Time
12.00 pm Lunch
12.30 pm Quiet Activities
Story, preparation for rest
1.00 pm Rest Time
Story tapes and relaxation music


2.00 pm Individual Activities (as children wake)
3.15 pm Group Time
3.45 pm Afternoon tea
4.00 pm Outside Time
5.00 pm Inside - pack away, story, construction toys
5.30 pm Centre Closes

Rest Time

All children are encouraged to rest during rest time, however they are not required to sleep. We feel that relaxation is an important skill to learn, and as with many behaviour patterns, is best established in early childhood. The length of time a child rests is dependent upon his or her needs. This time of day is planned so that each child is comfortable and relaxed. Listening to music tapes and story tapes assists in this. The rest time is programmed from 1.00 pm to 2.30 pm.

Routines and daily activities

You can assist us on a daily basis with routines if each morning you place drinks in the drink carrier; lunch boxes in the lunch basket/fridge; morning and afternoon tea containers in the labelled baskets and sign your child in using the Centre's system. In the afternoon we ask parents to collect food containers and drink bottles; and sign your child out of the Centre.

We promote an awareness of good eating habits, and appreciate all attempts to limit 'junk' food. We have many ideas for nutritious and interesting snacks and lunches. Please ask.

Current Staff

  • Director and Educational Leader: Rowena Muir
  • Financial Administrator: Jenny Truong

We also employ pre-service teachers who are University of Canberra students in these Faculty of Education courses:

Our policies and procedures are currently under review in consultation with families, children, staff and our community. The Policy and Procedure Manual is located in our Family Area at the Centre, and via the OWNA App used by Wiradjuri Preschool and Child Care Families.

A list of relevant policies and procedures is listed below for your information.

Acceptance and Refusal of Authorisation

Governance and Management of the Service

Administration of Medication

Grievance Policy – Parents

Arrival and Departure (delivery and collection of children)

Grievance Policy – Staff

Bottle Handling and Warming

Incident, Injury, Trauma, and Illness

Building and Outdoor Safety

Immunisation Policy – Children

Centre Daily Closure

Immunisation Policy – Employees

Child Health


Child Protection

Infectious Diseases

Child Supervision

Interactions with Children

Cleaning of Bodily Fluids

Medical Conditions

Communication with Families

Nappy Change and Toileting

Dangerous Products

Occupational Infection and Pregnancy

Death and Loss

Occupational Violence

Dental Health

Physical Activity and Small Screen Time

Determining the Responsible Person Present

Privacy and Confidentiality

Diversity and Equity

Safe Sleeping and Rest

Educational Planning and Curriculum

Safe Work Practices

Ethical Conduct

Staff Code of Conduct

Emergency and Evacuation

Staff Leave

Enrolment and Orientation

Sun Protection

First Aid



Transporting Children

Family Hardship

Trauma and Wellbeing

Family Partnership

Volunteers and Students


Water Safety

Food and Nutrition – Families

Workplace Safety

Food and Nutrition – Centre