
Indigenous 乱伦社区


The University is a national leader in its commitment to the progress of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, incorporating a vital cultural and social narrative throughout landscape and design. Our vistas will showcase places of cultural significance. Our education will engage users in formal and informal cultural learnings.


The University has an important Aboriginal history and is committed to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander outcomes across academic, research and innovation, employment and community engagement areas. Lead by the University's Office of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Leadership and Strategy, the University has a Reconciliation Action Plan, in addition to ongoing work in establishing the Economic Participation of Indigenous Communities Cooperative Research Centre. The Ngunnawal Centre provides vital support services to our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.


  • Develop walking trails that link visual vistas with embedded interpretive materials, reflecting the cultural values of landscapes, waterways, plants and animals.
  • Ensure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations are consulted as part of Campus Development, with consideration for the representation of plants, animals, places or symbols with local and regional meanings.
  • Ensure consistent Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander visibility within the built environment; incorporating palettes, language, art and plantings.
  • Protect and identify major sightlines to cultural sites.
  • Create a safe campus environment, by designing and building culturally safe spaces and dedicated learning and teaching spaces that drive learning experiences and place-making based on Indigenous narratives of country.