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Students in Focus


Getting outside her comfort zone is something Claudia Jenkins values.

Currently in her second year at the University of Canberra (ÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø), the Bachelor of Management/Bachelor of Science in Psychology student was determined to make the most of her move to Canberra from Wagga Wagga, in the Riverina region of NSW.

“Finding everything myself, and figuring out all the resources, was a challenge in itself for me, but I attacked it as best I could and early on,” Claudia told UnCover.

“I was always keen on moving to Canberra and stepping out on my own. I saw Canberra as a bigger Wagga, a city version. My dad was all for it, but I don’t think my mum wanted me to leave.

“But I knew there was so much more I wanted to see and be involved in, and I knew about ÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø and all the opportunities that are here. I did push against what my mum wanted and saw for me, but once she realised I was totally fine here she settled a little bit more. I wanted to show her that this is what I really wanted.”

Despite all the daunting aspects which come with an interstate move for university, Claudia attacked challenges head-on, and could be considered one of the most organised, and motivated, students ever to attend ÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø.Claudia moved from Wagga to Canberra

“I took a gap year after year 12, just to help me save a bit of money, because finances were a challenge for me,” Claudia adds.

“I first came to Canberra with one of my friends just to suss out accommodation and check-in, and came back with my parents to settle in before O-Week. That was really exciting, and it was kind of surreal as well that I was this independent human in a whole other city.

“I only had one other friend who I knew from Wagga in Canberra, and that was really lucky because we found our way around campus and Belconnen together, and it was great to have that support. We were able to develop a strong friendship from that too, because we weren’t super close and only just knew each other because we were from the same town, but you connect over that.”

Officially half-way through her degree at the end of 2019, Claudia says it’s taken time to feel ‘at home’ in residence, particularly in her first year of studying, when she still found herself visiting home as often as she could.

However, describing her second year as more ‘fun’, Claudia’s appetite for getting involved within the ÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø community has helped her settle, and create a strong base and support network for herself.

“I thought I wouldn’t be homesick because I’m quite an independent person, but during the first six months I found nearly every weekend or second weekend I was doing the trip back to Wagga just to see what everyone was up to.

“That first six months is just about getting used to another town, but the second half of the year was awesome. I found a good group of friends, and I started getting a bit more involved in the activities on campus, and I realised it wasn’t as scary as I thought it would be,” Claudia reflects.

“This second year has been a lot more fun compared to my first year. I feel like I’m a lot more confident now and I feel a lot more ‘at home’. I have a network around me here at university. I’ve even joined a netball team and I’ve found overall this year has been so much more fun.

“Straight from O Week this year I have been a lot more involved in campus life as well as the social activities, and because I had a group of friends to do it with, everything was a lot more memorable. I feel like this whole year, compared to last year, I’m a lot more settled and involved. I’m learning so much more about the university and I’m getting involved in the clubs.”

Being the first in her family to attend university has brought a lot of pride to Claudia’s family, from her parents to her grandparents, and with a younger sister having just completed year 12, Claudia says she can feel as though she can help guide her sibling, if she embarks on her own journey to university.

“It’s really awesome to be that first person in my family to come to university. At first, everyone was a little bit worried I was moving towns, CSU is in Wagga, and they asked why I didn’t want to go there, but it just didn’t offer the degree I wanted to do. I didn’t settle for anything just to be comfortable and I felt like I should definitely step out.Claudia has settled into life at ÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø

“My sister will also be taking a gap year as she tosses up what she’d like to do. I feel like because I’ve been through it, she keeps asking me questions about university and it’s good to be that person she can ask for advice.”

As for advice for any future regional students, or even those still struggling to settle in at university, Claudia is an advocate for just getting involved.

“I would say don’t be shy. You’re in a new environment but the more you get involved, the more you’ll find that community – both here at ÂÒÂ×ÉçÇø and within Canberra,” she says.

“Put your best foot forward and jump into any opportunities that come your way because that’s when you’ll find the move a lot easier.

“I feel like success at university isn’t necessarily what you’ve done in class, or what mark you’ve gotten on your assignment, because we’re all striving for that. I feel like success is more about the opportunities you’ve taken from your time at university and the mark you have left, rather than turning up to class and going home.

“When you’ve made the most of it you possibly can, that’s when you’ve succeeded. I know I feel like I’m only here for a certain amount of time, and I want to go out and explore and do everything I possibly can so it’s my foundation for when I graduate.”

Words by Amy Stevenson. Photos supplied.

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