
Celebrating major achievements of the IAE

The Institute for Applied Ecology (IAE) is celebrating its major achievements and the positive impacts they have had on the environment and how we understand the world in which we live.

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The Institute for Applied Ecology Director, Prof Janine Deakin said the high-class work IAE has performed in all its research areas is something to be very proud of.

“From international to a local scale, the Institute for Applied Ecology has made achievements in water, ecology, ecochemistry and genetics, all of which has helped us understand more about the environment, enhance our decision making for natural resource management and sustainable development.

“The University of Canberra holds an Excellence in Research in Australia assessment of 5 – the highest – in the Environmental Science discipline and that is due to our researchers and students who have been dedicated to their work,” said Prof Deakin.

See below for a list of some of the IAE achievements:






Development of methods for biological assessment of water quality.

Contribution to national water audit.

Management of water quality in Cotter catchment.


Described statistical, economic and modelling analyses underlying vertebrate pest control.

Formed Australasian Wildlife Management Society and hosted two conferences.

Demonstrated widespread occurrence of curved density-dependence in population growth.

Review of turtle taxonomy in Australian.

Organised two Fenner conferences on the environment at Australian Academy of Science.

Advised ACT government on threatened species management.

Research on and advice to managers on feral pigs in Namadgi National Park.


Identified glacial silicates and their significance.

Development of chemical analyses of heavy metals.

Advanced knowledge of and management of estuaries eg. south coast NSW.


Described genetic basis of sex reversal in a reptile.

Development of genetic tools for national use in conservation.

Advanced knowledge of and management of threatened biota.