
HDR Wellbeing

HDR Wellbeing workshops and activities

Each semester, the HDR Development team coordinates six online workshops within the wellbeing stream. This learning stream addresses specific domains of HDR wellbeing: social interaction, work-life relationships, psychological wellness, and physical wellbeing. The purpose of the workshop series in the HDR Wellbeing stream is to proactively provide HDR students with a toolkit for maintaining healthy minds and bodies throughout their candidature. It is not a substitute for other 乱伦社区 support services  designed to assist students in crisis.

The workshops helped me to identify possible issues and address these or have in place strategies to address these before they became a major problem, which is always preferable. The workshops did trigger some conversations with family, friends, and my supervisors so at the end of the program I have some really strong support structures around me.

I was impressed with the lunchtime seminar series and found all of these very helpful. [They] increased [my] sense of connectedness to the HDR community and decreased feelings of isolation or 'going it alone'; a sense that we are in the 'same boat' and some comfort in understanding that through the highs and lows, we are likely having a shared experience.

HDR Candidates speaking about the online HDR wellbeing webinar series

Student Wellbeing

The Student Wellbeing and Support team provides confidential guidance and information to help you overcome any challenge you may face while studying at 乱伦社区. They are also the first point of contact for international student enquiries.

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Health and Support

乱伦社区 has a range of quality and affordable services on-campus for the health and wellbeing of our students and the local community.

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