
Infrastructure Support

The University sets minimum requirements with regards to the provision of infrastructure support for HDR candidates. HDR candidates are regarded as full members of the academic community, and their needs and requirements are considered with this in mind when resource allocation is negotiated.

Access to resources and funding is managed by the host Faculty or Research Institute.

Minimum resources for research candidates at University of Canberra

  • Own-use desktop or lap top computer for each full-time HDR candidate, and a bank of computers for use by part-time or off-campus candidates while on campus.
  • Secure, shared office space with guaranteed access to desk space, including lockable storage and bookshelf facilities (lockers, filing cabinets etc.). Suitably equipped space and storage for use by part-time candidates.
  • 24-hour access to buildings and rooms, as appropriate to project.
  • Access to tea-room and wash-room facilities
  • Photocopying and printing (in local area and within University Library)
  • Access to communication tools (email address, campus postal address, shared access to internal phone extension with reasonable level of free access, University stationary). Part-time and off campus candidates are to be provided with access to these communication tools as appropriate to their time on campus.
  • HDR candidates will have the same access as University academic staff to computer software provided by the University.
  • Full library services including appropriate access to inter-library loans, online journals and advice from librarians.

Recommended amounts for project specific and conference attendance funding

  • Project specific expenses of $4,000 for high-cost and $2,000 for low-cost PhD degrees, for the life of the candidature (and pro-rata for masters by research and professional doctorates). Project expenses can include fieldwork expenses, space, equipment or consumables hire/purchase, access to external specialist facilities, specialist software packages, specialist training programs, etc.
  • Conference funding of $2,000 for PhD and Professional Doctorates $1,000 masters by research  candidates to provide support towards the costs of conference registration, accommodation and travel to conferences, for the life of the candidature.

Note: ‘on-campus’ attendance, or full-time candidate status may generally be understood to include any candidate who conducts 70% or more of the time spent on research on campus.

Problems or concerns

Problems or concerns with regard to the provision of infrastructure support should be directed in the first instance to the supervisory panel then, in Faculties, to the Associate Dean Research followed by the Dean and, in the Research Institutes, to the Director.

Concerns that are not able to be resolved within the Faculty or Research Institute may be directed to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research & Innovation) via Graduate Research  (GraduateResearch@canberra.edu.au)

Read more about Infrastructure Support Policy for HDR Candidates