
Supervisory Panel Changes

During candidature a change of supervisory panel may be required. Every supervisory panel must continue to meet the following minimum standards:

  • Each panel must consist of at least a primary and a secondary supervisor
  • Members of the panel, other than advisors, need to hold a doctoral degree or recognised equivalent professional experience
  • Panels can be supplemented with additional registered supervisors and/or advisors as dictated by the needs of the research being pursued by the Higher Degree by Research candidate
  • Every panel must have an agreed contingency plan in the event that a panel member needs to step down for any reason.

To change your supervisory panel you will need to complete the Change to Supervisory Panel form and submit it to the HDR Support team.

The Faculty/ Research Institute must approve any changes to supervisory panel membership to ensure that the minimum standards are maintained and candidate support remains at the highest quality.    

For more information on Higher Degree by Research supervision see the HDR Supervision policy