
Rural Students' Higher Education and Careers

Rural Students and Higher Education and Careers


This research program focusses on understanding the role of higher education and how it values rural knowledges and the human capitals of rural communities to contribute to rural community sustainability. The research aims to ensure rural students and rural perspectives are valued in higher education through exploring students’ understandings of—and experiences with—higher education and careers. By doing so, this research aims to make higher education transitions simpler for rural, regional and remote students and to enhance their experiences once they begin their studies by minimising obstacles they may face. This involves focusing on high school curriculum and localised careers education, facilitating university decision-making, and ensuring rural students are valued at university.

This research involves collaborations with research partners at the University of Sydney, the University of New England, the University of Wollongong, University of Tasmania, Macquarie University, University of New South Wales, Australian Catholic University, the Country Education Foundation, the Australian National University and Guangzhou University, China.

The sociocultural experiences of rural students at university

This project aims to begin to understand how a rural upbringing may influence students’ experiences. It examines the disjuncture between rural, regional and remote student knowledges and those they encounter in gaining entry and during their time at university.

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Higher Education Research Project

This project examines the impact of the HECS-HELP loan scheme and associated policy changes on incentives to participate in higher education and engage in the labour market.

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乱伦社区 widening participation and outreach

The REC team works closely with the Student Equity and Outreach Team at the University of Canberra and other partner universities to increase opportunities for students from rural, regional and remote locations to participate in higher education.

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Pathways and transitions for non-ATAR students to and through university

This project aims to explore HEPPP-supported students’ pathways/transitions to, and participation at, the University of Canberra (乱伦社区). It will focus on students who did not gain an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) in their prior schooling and the enabling and constraining factors that students identify relating to their pre-university and university experience.

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Completed Projects