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Strengthening economic resilience in Monsoon Asia

Team Members

Australian-based team:

  • Prof Katherine Gibson (Project Leader, Western Sydney University)
  • Dr Ann Hill (University of Canberra)
  • Assoc Prof Lisa Law (James Cook University)

Research Partner:

  • Assoc Prof Darlene Occeña-Gutierrez (University of the Philippines)


Funding Organisation:

  • Australian Research Council—Discovery Grant (Project Number 150102285) 2015-2019

Sharing, reciprocity and resource pooling are at the frontline of recovery and relief when economic crisis or disaster hits Monsoon Asia. This research shed light on cases where these economic practices have been innovatively harnessed to diversify livelihoods and build economic resilience. Working with contemporary Asian scholars, practitioners in the disaster field, and a data set gleaned from multiple sources, this project brought to the fore a regional landscape of diverse economic practices across Monsoon Asia. A cross-regional online knowledge community was formed to explore how this asset base might be mobilised towards more effective local development and disaster responses.

The project focussed on:

  1. Advancing a regional understanding of diverse economic practices and mapping this relatively hidden geography of Monsoon Asia.
  2. Analysing specific cases of community resilience in the Philippines and Indonesia using the theory of community economies developed by Gibson-Graham.

Developing knowledge networks to communicate insights into resilience building and forge new economic development pathways for communities across Asia.

  • Community Economies in Monsoon Asia: Keywords and Key Reflections authored by 22 research collaborators

Further project outputs include:

  • Gibson-Graham, J.K. 2019. Reading for Difference in the Archive of Tropical Geography: Imagining An(Other) Economic Geography for Beyond the Anthropocene. Antipode (forthcoming) DOI: 10.111/anti.12594
  • Gibson, K., et al. 2018. Community economies in Monsoon Asia: Keywords and key reflections, Asia Pacific Viewpoint
  • Gibson, K., Hill, A., & Law, L. 2017. ‘Community economies in Southeast Asia: a hidden economic geography’, In A. McGregor, F. Miller and L. Law (Eds) Handbook of Southeast Asian Development, London: Routledge. pp 131-141
  • Gibson-Graham, J.K., Hill, A., & Law, L. 2016. Re-embedding economies in ecologies: resilience building in more than human communities, Building Research & Information, 44:7, 703-716, DOI: 10.1080/09613218.2016.1213059
  • Gibson-Graham, J.K. 2016. ‘After’ area studies? Place-based knowledge for our time. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 34(5), pp.799-806
  • Gibson, K., Salazar, J., Fiske, P., Crowe, R., Nugent, R., Canales, A., & Fletcher, C. 2019. The Bamboo Bridge, a 50 minute documentary film. The film received a Special Mention in the Best Australian Documentary Film Award at the Antenna Documentary Film Festival, Sydney 2019.
  • Gibson-Graham, J.K., and Dombroski, K. 2020. (Eds) The Handbook of Diverse Economies. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing 560pp
  • Hill, A., and Diprose, G. 2019. A community economies perspective for ethical community development, In S. Banks and P. Westoby (Eds) Community Development and Ethics, Bristol, UK: Policy Press. Chapter 10.

For further information on this project, please contact Dr Ann Hill.