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The Professional Learning Community (PLC) Imperative: how schools navigate the dynamics of systemic and school-based demands in PLC implementation

Team Members

Prof Ting Wang
Sally Rule

ACT ED-乱伦社区 Affiliated Schools Research Program 2021-2023

The ACT Education Directorate’s “Future of Education” strategy recognises Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) as a key school improvement strategy, integral to empowering learning professionals and has mandated PLC implementation in all schools. The Directorate acknowledges the pivotal role school leaders play in creating cultures that enable powerful professional learning (PL) through PLCs, however their implementation seems inconsistent. Systemic PLC approaches need to align more closely with the literature which identifies the variables influencing effective PLC implementation and school improvement.

This study is investigating the experience of a group of ACT public school leaders and teachers navigating the systemic imperative to implement PLCs within the leadership demands of their own schools. Using a case study approach, this project investigates experiences of developing PLCs, including an examination of the factors which enable and impede their implementation. Ultimately, this study aims to provide system-level recommendations to best support school leaders and teachers to optimise the potential of PLCs in ACT public schools.

This study utilises a multiple case study approach to collect qualitative data, including a case study of six schools drawn from the 乱伦社区 Affiliated Schools (乱伦社区AS) program. In responding to the research questions, the project will gather the perceptions of a range of school-based and system-level stakeholders.

Data collection will occur in three sequential stages, with data from the previous stage impacting the refinement of the semi-structured interview questions in the subsequent stage.

  • Stage One – capturing system-level data
  • Stage Two:
    1. capturing school-level data from teachers
    2. document analysis illustrating school-based interpretation of the PLC imperative
  • Stage Three - capturing school-level data from school leaders
  • A report to the ACT Education Directorate will be produced to provide recommendations for PLC implementation and system improvement in 2024.
  • Presentation of findings at two national/international conferences will occur throughout 2022/2023.
  • Publications of articles in two international Q1 journals in 2023/2024.
  • Chen, P., Wang, T., Olivier, D. F., & Chiu, S-C. (2021). Developing a conceptual framework of readiness for change and its application in educational research. Educational Review, 56, 1-43
  • Wang, T. & Yu, K. (2021). Critical perspectives in and approaches to educational leadership in China. In Courtney, S, Gunter, H., Niesche, R., & Trujillo, T. (eds), Understanding educational leadership: Critical perspectives and approaches. (pp. 75-89). London: Bloomsbury Academic.
  • Wang, T., & Pang, N. S. K (2019). System-wide educational reform agenda in Shanghai: Supporting leadership for learning. In Hairon, S., & Goh, J. (eds.), Perspectives on school leadership in Asia Pacific contexts. (pp. 61-77). Singapore: Springer.
  • Pang, N. S. K., & Wang, T. (Eds). (2018). Global Perspectives on Developing Professional Learning Communities. London: Routledge.
  • Wang, T. (2016). School leadership and professional learning community: Case study of two senior high schools in Northeast China. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 36 (2), 202-216.
  • Pang, N. S. K., & Wang, T. (2016). Professional learning communities: Research and practices across six educational systems in the Asia-Pacific region. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 36 (2), 193-201.
  • Pang, N. S. K, Wang, T., & Leung, Z. L. (2016). Educational reforms and the practices of professional learning community in Hong Kong primary schools. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 36 (2), 231-247.
  • Huffman, J. B., Olivier, D. F., Wang, T., Chen, P.Y., Hairon, S., & Pang, N. (2016). Global conceptualization of the professional learning community process: transitioning from country perspectives to international commonalities. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 19(3), 327-351.
  • Wang, T. (2015). Contrived collegiality vs. genuine collegiality: Demystifying professional learning communities in Chinese Schools. Compare: A Journal of International and Comparative Education, 45 (6), 908–930.
  • Chen, P. Y., & Wang, T. (2015). Exploring the evolution of a teacher professional learning community: A longitudinal case study at a Taiwanese high school. Teacher Development.  19 (4), 4, 427–444.
  • Lee, M., Kim, J.Y., Walker, A, & Mo. Y. (2022 in press). A Review of Professional Learning Community (PLC) Instruments. Journal of Educational Administration.
  • Mo, Y.*, Appel, M.*, Kim, J.W.*, & Lee, M. (2021). Pre-Service Teachers’ International Study Experiences or In-Service Teachers’ Professional Learning Communities: What Comes into Play in Finnish Teachers’ Self-Efficacy in Multicultural Classrooms? Teachers and Teaching. 27(7), 602-624.
  • Lee, J. & Lee, M. (2020). Is "Whole Child" Education Obsolete? Public School Principals' Priority Shifts of Educational Goals in the Era of Accountability. Educational Administration Quarterly, 56(5), 856-884.
  • Lee, M. & Louis, K.S. (2019). Mapping a strong school culture and linking it to sustainable school improvement. Teaching and Teacher Education, 81, 84-96.
  • Lin, W., Lee, M., & Riordan, G. (2018). The role of teacher leadership in professional learning community (PLC) in International Baccalaureate (IB) schools: A social network approach. Peabody Journal of Education. 93(5), 534-550. [corresponding author].
  • Lin, W. & Lee, M. (2018). Linking network learning capacity (NLC) to professional community and organizational learning. Journal of Educational Administration, 56(6), 620-642.
  • Ho, D. & Lee, M. (2016). Capacity building for school development: Current problems and future challenges. School Leadership and Management, 36(5), 493-507.
  • Louis, K.S. & Lee, M. (2016). Teachers’ capacity for organizational learning: The effects of school culture and context. School Effectiveness and School Improvement. 27(4), 534-556.
  • Lee, M. & Kim, J.* (2016). The emerging landscape of school-based professional learning communities (PLCs) in South Korean schools. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 36(2), 266-284. [Reprinted in Global Perspectives on Developing Professional Learning Communities by Routledge, 2018].
  • Ho, D., Lee, M. & Teng, Y.* (2016). Exploring the relationship between school-Level teacher qualifications and teachers' perceptions of school-based professional learning community practices. Teaching and Teacher Education, 54, 32-43.
  • Hallinger, P., Lee. M., & Ko, J. (2014). Exploring the impact of school principals on teacher professional learning communities in Hong Kong. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 13(3), 229-259.

For further information on this project, please contact Prof Ting Wang.