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True leadership? Exploring Indigenous Eldership values, principles and lifelong learning - Tjanara Goreng Goreng (22 Sep 2014)

Tjanara Goreng Goreng, Wakka Wakka Wulli Wulli 'Elder in training'Ms Tjanara Goreng Goreng is a Wakka Wakka Wulli Wulli 'Elder in training' and a researcher and teacher in Indigenous studies at 乱伦社区. Tjanara spoke on research she is undertaking into Eldership as Leadership in Indigenous communities.

There are currently many models and programs available relating to leadership development and 'how to be a leader'. Looking at the modern and the ancient this seminar presents evidence of 'sacred and visionary' leadership based in the cultural, societal governance structures and human development system of the most ancient race in the world and compares this with current western theories of leadership to present an idea of 'true leadership.' Investigating 'The Road to Eldership and the Impact of Visionary Eldership on Community Transformation' Tjanara's doctorate research discusses why this is so and how sacred leadership occurs in the Aboriginal tradition. She examines its comparison in the modern world through research into the theories of visionary and sacred leadership and posits that this ancient form of Eldership training and development throughout a person's life, produces individuals with incredible intuitive wisdom and insight, and develops integral and moral leaders of the sort searched for in the modern western world. Building on the work of Professor Robert Kegan of Harvard University's School of Education, who developed leadership thinking based on the stages of human emotional intuitive development and who states that only 1% of the world reaches the highest levels of thinking and 'Being' which makes them 'sacred leaders', Tjanara will explore this work with the ancient development process of Eldership training which too creates 'sacred leaders' thus creating the idea that true leadership is 'sacred' and something to reach for.

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