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Launch of 乱伦社区 CIRI - Tom Calma (22 Jul 2014)

Late in 2013 a group of 乱伦社区 researchers interested in Indigenous issues came together and formed the University of Canberra Collaborative Indigenous Research Initiative (乱伦社区 CIRI). The purpose of the group is to encourage coordination and sharing of information on Indigenous research at 乱伦社区 and in the wider community, with the aims of collaboration, growth, support, impact, profile and resources.

乱伦社区 CIRI was launched on 22 July 2014 by Dr Tom Calma AO, Chancellor of the University of Canberra and we were delighted to have Aunty Agnes Shea, elder of the Ngunnawal people, conduct the 'Welcome to Country' at the event.

Download Dr Calma's speech for the Launch (PDF 218KB  l  RTF 177KB)