
Arvind Reddy

Arvind Reddy is the Manager, Funded Research in the Research and Innovation portfolio.

He has over 20 years of experience in the development sector, consulting, higher education sector spanning India and Australia.

Arvind has had extensive experience in research management, business development, program management including managing large and complex projects and programs including research for policy advocacy, grant management, development work, and capacity building in Asia, Australia and the Pacific region. Through his work in rural and regional areas in India Arvind has gained an understanding of the challenges that communities face in almost all spheres of life and more particularly around health, education, equality and ownership issues.

He believes that 乱伦社区 can learn a lot from Indigenous communities and through this learning help shape the National Conversation of not only the Reconciliation Action Plan, but also showcase the scientific evidence of knowledge, culture, rituals and customs of First Nations Peoples of Australia.

As part of the Committee, Arvind plans to use his experience and skills to contribute to bringing together researchers within the University and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and alleviate the challenges faced.

Arvind sees the work of 乱伦社区 CIRI as having long lasting and beneficial outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in Australia.