
Adjunct Professor L盲wurrpa Maypilama

L盲wurrpa Maypilama岣好urrpa Elaine Maypilama is an Adjunct Professor at 乱伦社区. She is from the Waramirri clan, a senior Yol艐u educator and one of the founding members of the research organisation Yalu’ Mar艐githinyaraw. 岣好urrpa was awarded an Honorary Doctorate from CDU in 2013 in recognition of her beingwidely respected for her high level of expertise in developing and conducting culturally responsive and high-quality research with diverse universities and territory, state and national organisations for over 30 years. 岣好urrpa has led numerous research projects including the:

  • ARC-funded ‘Indigenous birth and family’ project,
  • FACSIA funded ‘Footprints in Time’ project,
  • Department of Health and Ageing funded ‘Taking Control of Chronic Disease’ project and
  • Commonwealth Funded Project “Dharray manymakku艐 pawaw ga gapuw*” – Manymak Energy Efficiency Project with Indigenous Communities in East Arnhem Land.

L盲wurrpa is an author on many publications and has presented at numerous conferences across Australia and internationally. L盲wurrpa recognised that non-Indigenous researchers often fail to understand the complexities of an Indigenous worldview, and that this lack of understanding is significant when conducting research. To address this, she has consistently acted as a facilitator to assist non-Indigenous researchers to better understand their processes within a Yol艐u. Her advice and participation are frequently sought from researchers and others working with Yol艐u across Australia.