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Delegations of Authority Policy is the key document for who is responsible to exercise a delegation – Note: Policies and procedure documents may not reflect the current delegations. Please refer to the Delegations of Authority Policy to identify who the delegate is.

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Timetable Policy
1. Purpose:
  1. This Policy sets out the principles governing the allocation of teaching space at the University of Canberra (University) for exams, lectures, tutorials, other classes and casual bookings.
  2. This Policy facilitates efficient and effective use of University teaching space for building student-focused timetables.
2. Scope:
  1. The Policy will apply to teaching and learning bookings for University teaching space made by University staff.
  2. The Policy governs bookings made for exams, lectures, tutorials and casual bookings.
  3. This Policy also governs bookings made for University of Canberra College (ÂÒÂ×ÉçÇøC) and ELICOS students.
3. Principles:
Timetable Construction
  1. The University class timetable will be produced ahead of enrolments using academic requirements, constraint parameters and estimated enrolments data supplied by the student management system.
  2. Historical enrolment data will be used to validate predictions of estimated enrolments.
  3. All known requirements and constraints on the timetable must be applied prior to its production.
  4. Class times for each unit may vary from year to year in the interests of optimising the timetable.
Regulation of Teaching Space
  1. University teaching space will be available for bookings for all weeks of the year (excluding the University’s official shutdown period).
  2. Teaching space at the University is classified into two categories:
    1. Bookable space, managed by Student Connect, refers to all teaching rooms and facilities therein, available for use by any faculty or business unit; and
    2. Allocated space is available for use solely by the individual faculty or business unit for conduct of specialised activities associated with teaching.
  3. Teaching space may be booked only for the specific period of time the booking is required. Rooms may be unavailable at certain times to allow for audiovisual and computer equipment maintenance. Previously arranged bookings will be moved to alternative rooms during the maintenance period.
  4. Owners of allocated teaching space may apply additional guidelines on the use of that space.
Class Constraints
  1. Core teaching time will run from 0800 to 2130 Monday to Friday.
  2. Computer laboratories used by students for assignment work and exam preparation will remain unscheduled for 30 per cent of the core teaching time.
  3. Classes must commence on the half-hour and be scheduled in multiples of 30-minute blocks. Student Connect have the discretion to vary class starting times.
  4. Classes are to start promptly at the scheduled time and finish at least 10 minutes before the end of the booked period, particularly to ensure Echo recordings capture the full session.
Room Allocation
  1. Bookings for the teaching of University, ÂÒÂ×ÉçÇøC and ELICOS students have priority over other bookings.
  2. During scheduled exam periods, bookings for examinations have priority over all other bookings. Further information on the preparation of the Examination Timetable can be found in the Assessment Procedure.
  3. Classes will be scheduled according to class size, teaching requirements, equipment and room availability. Classes will be scheduled into the most appropriate rooms available according to use and size.
  4. Timetable clashes will be minimised. A timetable clash is deemed to have occurred when:
    1. A student is required to attend two mandatory activities at the same time; or
    2. All optional classes for one unit have been scheduled at the same time as mandatory classes of other units in which the student is enrolled.
  5. Where possible room bookings outside the period 0830 to 1800 Monday to Friday should be limited to buildings that offer improved security and maximum savings in power consumption and maintenance costs. Contact Campus Estate for more guidance.
Availability of Teaching Staff
  1. Full-time academic staff will be available for teaching during core teaching time. The allocation of teaching duties will be managed by Faculty Executive Deans in accordance with the University of Canberra Enterprise Agreement.
  2. Part-time academic staff are to be available for classes during core teaching time or by agreement with their Executive Dean of Faculty.
Timetable Changes
  1. Any changes after the timetable is finalised should only be made in exceptional circumstances and will need to be approved by the relevant Faculty Executive Dean. In the case of non-agreement, an appeal can be made to the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Academic.
  2. The only valid reasons for timetable changes are:
    1. Unavoidable unavailability of any academic staff member with relevant expertise;
    2. Unexpected staff turnover;
    3. Unavailability of essential equipment;
    4. Changes to estimated course/class size;
    5. A hazard identified in the booked room; and
    6. Reasonable adjustments to accommodate students with special needs.
4. Responsibilities:
Who Responsibilities
Deputy Vice Chancellor,
  • Reviewing appeals for timetable changes under exceptional circumstances.
Faculty Executive Dean
  • Allocation of full-time and part-time teaching duties for academic staff. ·
  • Approval to changes of timetables under exceptional circumstances.
Student Connect
  • Creates timetables.
  • Manages all bookable spaces.
6. Definitions:
Terms Definitions
Academic requirements Refer to the necessities of the Unit Conveners to be able to teach the unit to the highest standard. These include, but are not limited to, facilities available in rooms, available in rooms, availability of tutors, planned class sizes and which weeks the Convener wishes to run classes
Constraint parameters Refer to the restrictions on scheduling which are set features and cannot be altered. These include, but are not limited to, classroom sizes, clashes with core units and the weeks available to run the unit
Estimated enrolment data Taken from Callista and based on both real time as student enrols and historic from previous years enrolments into a unit.