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Completion within the Expected Duration of Study for International Students 鈥 Procedure
1. Purpose:
  1. This Procedure outlines how the University of Canberra (University) assists international students in completing their course within the expected duration of study.
  2. Monitoring international students to ensure completion within expected duration is a requirement of the made under the
2. Scope:
  1. This Procedure applies to all international students with a student visa enrolled in courses provided by the University, including higher degree by research (HDR) students and international students enrolled at the University of Canberra College (乱伦社区C).
3. Procedure:
Monitoring Course Duration
  1. The University will issue a Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) to international students in accordance with the course duration as registered on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS). This duration is based on the time taken to complete the course on a full-time basis, or an annual study load of 24 credit points.
  2. The University will have processes to ensure that international students complete their course within the expected duration speci铿乪d on the student’s CoE.
Academic Progress
  1. International students’ academic progress will be monitored in accordance with the requirements set out in the University of Canberra (Academic Progress) Rules 2022, as supported by the Academic Progress Policy, the Higher Degree by Research Progress and Milestones Policy and the International Student Policy to ensure that they are achieving satisfactory progress within their course as speci铿乪d on the international student’s CoE.
  2. To further support the requirement for an international student to complete their course within the expected duration speci铿乪d on their CoE, the University will implement early intervention strategies where an international student is identi铿乪d as being at risk of poor academic progress.
Study Load
  1. At the commencement of each compulsory study period, the University will produce reports to monitor international student enrolment.
  2. International students who are identi铿乪d as not being enrolled in su铿僣ient units to complete their course in accordance with their CoE end date will be noti铿乪d and required to either:
    1. obtain approval for a reduced load based on compelling or compassionate grounds; or
    2. enrol in su铿僣ient units to ensure completion of their course in accordance with their CoE end date.
  3. When an international student has under-enrolled and it is too late to enrol in additional units in a speci铿乪d study period to make up the required study load:
    1. the University may permit the under-enrolment in the speci铿乪d study period if the student provides appropriate documentation that substantiates legitimate grounds for under-enrolment in the self-enrolment period; and
    2. the international student will be warned about the consequences of deliberate under-enrolment and provided with a study plan by the relevant Faculty, re铿俥cting the minimum number of study periods required to complete the course.
  4. International students seeking a reduced load will be required to submit:
    1. an application;
    2. documentary evidence to support their claim; and
    3. a study plan approved by the relevant Faculty representative.
  5. An international student who deliberately under-enrols without the University’s approval may represent a risk to the University’s compliance with the National Code 2018. The University has two options to address this situation:
    1. Cancel the international student’s enrolment if they refuse to enrol in an appropriate load; or
    2. Document the international student’s behaviour and, if they request an extension of duration of study, their new CoE may be refused.
  6. An international student will be considered ‘passively withdrawn’ if they:
    1. have not enrolled in any units in a compulsory study period (such as Semester 1 or Semester 2); and
    2. do not have an approved deferral or have not formally withdrawn.
  7. Refer to the University’s International Student Policy and Deferring, Suspending or Cancelling an International Student’s Enrolment Procedure for more information on passive withdrawal.
At Admission
  1. Where an international student is granted course credit that a铿ects their course duration, Student Connect (or Graduate Research, for HDR students) will create a CoE re铿俥ctive of the international student’s enrolment, including a deduction granted to the credit received by the international student.
After Admission
  1. Where an international student received credit after admission, Student Connect will advise Student Wellbeing and Support (SWS) of the change in the international student’s course duration.
  2. SWS will advise the Secretary of the Commonwealth Department responsible for Education if there are any changes to the international student’s course duration within 31 days after the event, or 14 days if the international student is under the age of 18.
  3. Advice regarding changes to an international student’s course duration will be provided via the Department of Education’s Provider Registration and International Student Management System (PRISMS).
Extension of Course Duration
  1. International students who require an extension to their course duration will be required to submit an application for an extension of their CoE.
  2. International student applications for a CoE extension will be approved if :
    1. the student can demonstrate compelling or compassionate circumstances; or
    2. a University-approved intervention strategy has been implemented because the student is at risk of not meeting course progression requirements; or
    3. the student’s enrolment has been deferred or suspended by the University.- approved deferral or suspension.
  3. The University may refuse to permit an international student to extend the duration of their course where they are unable to demonstrate one or more of the requirements detailed above.
Compassionate and Compelling Circumstances
  1. For circumstances to be considered compassionate and compelling, they must be:
    1. beyond the international student’s control; and
    2. make it impracticable for the international student to complete the requirements for the unit in the period during which the student undertook, or was to undertake, the unit.
  2. The following table sets out the University’s requirements for compassionate and compelling circumstances, including evidentiary requirements:
1.    Medical conditions – a new or changed medical condition or diagnosis that impacts the student’s ability to engage in their study as per their study plan. Example: A new medical condition occurs after the student has commenced study, and continues for several weeks, a铿ecting the student’s ability to engage in their study as per their study plan.
A pre-existing medical condition 铿俛res up or is exacerbated after the student has commenced study, preventing them from continuing their study as per their study plan.
Supporting evidence includes:
  • Medical certi铿乧ate with dates of condition/exacerbation, from doctor/counsellor; or
  • hospital paperwork, including any future treatment plans; or
  • letter from social worker.
2.    Family conditions – member(s) of the student’s family died or were impacted by a serious medical or personal condition and it is unreasonable to expect the student to have completed the requirements of study, as per their study plan. Example: After commencing study, a close relative is impacted by a serious medical condition or passes away and the student is unable to continue study.
Supporting evidence includes:
  • Death Certi铿乧ate; or
  • Statutory Declaration with date of death and relationship to the student; or
  • Letter of support from 乱伦社区 SWS.
3.    Unit Changes – Unit changes made by the University disadvantaged the student, or the student’s study plan has changed due to failing a unit previously and having the fail grade waived. Example: The student is unable to 铿乶d a placement or a placement is cancelled.
The student has previously failed a unit but has had this removed in accordance with the enrolment amendment process.
Supporting evidence includes:
  • Updated Study plan, including comments from faculty sta铿 con铿乺ming reasons for the reduced load/intermission, and
  • Emails with dates of changes; or
  • Letter of support from Unit Convener; or
  • Evidence of enrolment amendment approval.
4.    Unexpected, or unpredicted changes in personal situation – factors beyond the student’s control have impacted their ability to continue to study with the original study plan. Example – The student has been impacted by unexpected incidents, including but not limited to, natural disasters, con铿俰ct, political changes, family changes, or displacement.
Supporting evidence includes:
  • Documents with dates of changes – evidence of media articles, correspondence from family – and a signed statutory declaration; or
  • Medical certificate from doctor/counsellor; and/or
  • Letter of support from SWS.
5.    A traumatic experience. Examples – Involvement in, or witnessing of a serious accident, or witnessing or being the victim of a serious crime, and this has impacted on the international student.
Supporting evidence includes police or psychologists’ reports outlining the timeframes and an impact on the student to the extent where they could not attend classes.
6.    Financial di铿僣ulties experienced by the student, or a member of the student’s family, are such that it is unreasonable to expect the student to attend class. Examples – The student’s family has experienced unexpected trauma, such as a natural disaster or war where they are unable to meet their 铿乶ancial obligations.
Supporting evidence includes:
  • Statutory declaration with an explanation of how the 铿乶ancial di铿僣ulties have manifested.
  • Letter of support from 乱伦社区 Wellbeing.
7.    Additional personal factors – this may include military service in student’s home country, or parental leave (for the birth and primary care of a child). Examples – Parental leave: One Semester (or applicable 6- month teaching period), where the due date falls in or around the start date or end date of a teaching period – (additional time will only be considered where there are complications or associated medical condition(s) making the student un铿乼 to study). Caring for a newborn or children is not considered grounds for additional leave.
Necessary arrangements will need to be made.
Military service in the student’s home country.
Supporting evidence includes:
Parental Leave
  • Medical certificate from doctor/counsellor; or
  • Letter of support from 乱伦社区 Wellbeing.
Military Service
  • Military service notice from home country

University-Initiated Deferrals, Suspensions or Cancellations of Enrolment
  1. Refer to Deferring, Suspending or Cancelling an International Student’s Enrolment Procedure.
Modes of Study
  1. At the commencement of each compulsory study period, the University will produce reports to monitor international students’ enrolment in online units.
  2. International students who have enrolled in too many online units will be noti铿乪d that they must not:
    1. study an entire course fully online or via distance learning; or
    2. study more than one-third of course units online or via distance learning; or
    3. study an entire study period wholly online or via distance learning – at least one unit must be face-to-face; unless the last unit of the course is only o铿ered online.
  3. Where an international student is identi铿乪d as breaching the one-third rule, the University will contact the international student to request that they meet with University sta铿 to resolve their enrolment matter.
  4. International students who do not respond to the request and do not resolve their online enrolment matter will be automatically removed from any online units. International students should be aware that this action may impact their ability to complete their course within the timeline speci铿乪d on their CoE, as well as their ability to extend their course duration.
Student Visas and Care Arrangements for international Students under the Age of 18
  1. The University must inform international students that deferring, suspending or cancelling their enrolment on any grounds may a铿ect their student visa.
  2. Following a deferral, suspension or cancellation, there are three possible outcomes for an international student’s CoE:
    Outcome 1 The University noti铿乪s the Commonwealth Department responsible for Education through PRISMS that they are deferring or suspending an international student’s enrolment for a period without a铿ecting the end date of the CoE. There will be no change to the CoE on PRISMS – the international student will still be listed as studying. However, the notice of deferral or suspension will be recorded in PRISMS.
    Outcome 2 The University noti铿乪s the Commonwealth Department responsible for Education through PRISMS that they are deferring or suspending an international student’s enrolment for a period which will a铿ect the end date of the CoE. PRISMS will cancel the original CoE and immediately o铿er the University the opportunity to create a new CoE with a more appropriate end date.
    Outcome 3 The University noti铿乪s the Commonwealth Department responsible for Education through PRISMS that it wishes to permanently cancel (terminate) the international student’s enrolment. Once this process is complete, the international student’s CoE status will be listed as ‘cancelled’.
  3. If the international student is under the age of 18, the cancellation of a CoE does not cancel a Con铿乺mation of Appropriate Accommodation and Welfare (CAAW), and the University is still responsible for welfare arrangements until one of the following conditions are met:
    1. the international student has alternative welfare arrangements approved by another registered provider; or
    2. care of the international student by a parent or nominated relative is approved by Immigration; or
    3. the international student leaves Australia; or
    4. the University has noti铿乪d the Commonwealth Department responsible for Immigration that it is no longer able to approve the international student’s welfare arrangements or that it has taken the required action after not being able to contact the international student.
  4. Regardless of the reason, if an international student’s enrolment is deferred or suspended, the period of suspension of enrolment (as entered in PRISMS) will not be included in attendance monitoring calculations (only applicable to ELICOS and Foundation courses).
  5. If the University defers or suspends an international student’s studies for compassionate or compelling reasons, the University will ensure the international student visa holder has a valid CoE in PRISMS with a start date that re铿俥cts the international student’s intended date of return to studies.
  6. There is no maximum period for a deferral on the basis of compassionate or compelling circumstances, but the deferral must be assessed in accordance with this Procedure.
Record Keeping
  1. Variations to an international student’s enrolment load must be recorded on their 铿乴e. Where the variation leads to an extension of the expected duration of study, SWS must report the international student via PRISMS and issue a new CoE.
4. Roles and Responsibilities:
Who Responsibilities
Student Wellbeing and Support (SWS)
  • Monitors unit enrolment to ensure international students are not under enrolling and thereby extending the duration of their course.
  • Monitors online study to ensure compliance.
  • Extends international students’ CoEs based on an implemented intervention strategy
Student Connect
  • Reviews course credit approvals on a regular basis, and advises SWS if an international student’s duration requires revision.
5. Governing Policy and Legislation:
6. Definitions:
Terms Definitions
Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) O铿僣ial Australian Government website that lists all Australian education providers and registered courses for overseas students.
Con铿乺mation of Enrolment (CoE) A document, provided electronically, which is issued by the University to intending international students and which must accompany their application for a student visa. The document must be produced using the Commonwealth Government’s PRISMS system. It confirms the international student’s eligibility to enrol in the particular course at the University or University of Canberra College.
International Student International student has the same meaning as overseas student in Section 5 of the ESOS Act. That is: a person (whether within or outside Australia) who holds a student visa, but does not include students of a kind prescribed in the ESOS Regulations.
Provider Registration and International Student Management System (PRISMS) The system used to process information given to the Secretary of the Commonwealth Department responsible for Education.