
Enrolment and Fees

preschool kids with the director of wiradjuri

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Enquiries and Waiting List

There is a waiting list for enrolments at Wiradjuri.

Current Fees

Weekly: $575.00 | Daily: $115.00

  • Fees are payable fortnightly in advance.
  • The Centre opens at 8.00 am and closes at 5.30 pm. Late Fees are payable for the collection of children beyond their booked sessions unless prior arrangements have been made with the Director.


Fees are paid for the days your child is booked into the centre, including Public Holidays and when your child is absent due to illness. If your child is unable to attend please notify the Centre. Two weeks notice is required to withdraw your child from the program once a permanent place has been confirmed.

Child Care Subsidy (CCS)

Under the new Child Care Management System (CCMS) parents/guardians will continue to deal with the Family Assistance Office (FAO) for all their CCB payment.

Families who have enquiries regarding their eligibility and entitlements for CCS, Grandparents Child Care Benefits or who require a Customer Reference Number (CRN) should visit a Family Assistance Office or telephone 13 61 50.

Entry and Exit Requirements


  1. Children of parents who are working, studying, training or looking for work who require full-time care;
  2. Children of parents who are working, studying, training or looking for work who require part-time care;
  3. Children requiring social interactions on a regular part-time basis.

Two to three year old children are enrolled within the limits of our licensing requirements. Enrolment is based on waiting list order.

Finalising Enrolment

Parents must complete the permission and enrolment forms at interview with the Director; pay fees two weeks in advance, which are non-refundable, and produce immunisation documentation or a statement specifying non-immunisation before a child attends the centre.

Settling Children In

Parents are encouraged to visit the centre prior to enrolment with their child to orientate the child to the centre and staff and to participate in the program with the support of their parent.

On enrolment, the settling in procedures are discussed with the parent, with an emphasis on establishing a routine goodbye procedure which involves a short period of activity with the child prior to leaving. Parents are also encouraged to contact the centre during the day to check on their child's progress. However, where a child shows considerable, ongoing distress, the Director will discuss further strategies with the parent.


Two weeks notice is required to withdraw a child from the program once a permanent place has been confirmed.

National Quality Standard

(ACECQA) is an independent statutory authority providing national leadership in promoting quality and continuous improvement in early childhood education and care in Australia.

The began in January 2012 and raised the bar on what quality looks like in education and care services and includes a National Quality Standard comprising seven quality areas, 18 standards and 58 elements. Please refer to the for more information.

Wiradjuri was assessed against the National Quality Standard for Early Childhood Education and Care and School Age Care in September 2013 and the following rating has been awarded in accordance with the Education and Care Services National Law (ACT) Act 2011 and the Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011.Exceeding - NQS Rating Logo

Wiradjuri is rated overall at Exceeding National Quality Standard.