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Online Study Help

Need help with assignments, or study?

The Study Help course in 乱伦社区Learn (Canvas) can give you access to a range of support services, including:

  • Live assignment, library and study help from ASK Advisors and Study Skills staff in the including the English Language, ePortforlio, and Referencing Help drop-in service.
  • Studiosity - upload your draft assignment for writing feedback, or Connect Live and ask a question
  • Self-paced courses on different aspects of your studies e.g. referencing, note-taking, essay structure, exam preparation, EndNote, and more
  • How to use Virtual Room (Blackboard Collaborate) for online coursework
  • Help with Mahara ePortfolios

You can also contact the Study Skills team by email or by phone (02) 6201 2205.

The Library also has a range of services available online to support your research and studies.