
New Document Delivery Portal

The Library is pleased to announce the launch of our new Inter-library loans and document delivery system which is integrated with the Library catalogue. The form will be automatically filled with your staff or student details along with the resource details, so all you need to do is click send and the document delivery team will locate a copy for you.

Only items which are not held by the Library can be requested through this service.

To request items:

  • Sign in to your Library account (top right corner of the Library catalogue).
  • Search for the item you need - be sure to tick "Include results without full text" to show books and articles which are not part of 乱伦社区's subscriptions.
  • Click on the record for the item. Under "How to get it" choose "Resource Sharing."
  • Check the details, and submit the form.

Alternatively, if you already know the details of the item or can’t locate it in the catalogue click on the Document Delivery button at the top of the catalogue page to submit your own request.

For more information, please see the Interlibrary Loans & Document Delivery page.