
APA 7th edition Endnote style

The 乱伦社区 APA 7th edition EndNote style will be available soon, in the meantime you can use the standard APA 7th edition developed by EndNote.



APA 7th edition screenshot


  1. This style has some issues, do not rely on it.
  2. Please check your references and in-text citations against the

Known problems with the EndNote APA 7th style:

  • Multiple authors: EndNote cannot currently handle APA 7th's approach to 20+ authors. If you have more than 20 authors, you will need to edit your reference to replace the authors between the 19th and the last author with ellipses (...)
  • Journal references - Type of Article: The journal reference format includes the Type of Article field for specific article types such as editorials or reviews or for articles in special issues. However this field should not be displayed for most articles and should be removed.
