
Dr Kate Halcrow

Kate HalcrowPosition

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Dr Kate Halcrow has been a Head of Primary, Curriculum Coordinator and classroom teacher since graduating with a BA (Hons) and Master of Teaching (Primary) at the University of Sydney in 1997. Kate taught in K-12 Independent, Catholic and public schools in Sydney, Canberra, and rural NSW for over 20 years.

As a curriculum and school leader, and now in higher education, Kate is dedicated to supporting teachers in their dynamic work, one which is both a science and an artform.

Kate's areas of interest are English, HASS, curriculum and the creative arts. As a classroom teacher, she founded the Pens Against Poverty schools writing competition, directed school theatre productions, and led STEAM projects. She began to collaborate with researchers from the University of Sydney and University of Western Sydney in which she became interested in the 'bigger picture' of teaching and learning. Since 2021, Kate has been convening and lecturing in English literacy, HASS and curriculum at the University of Sydney, University of Canberra, and Southern Cross University.

Kate completed her doctoral thesis at the University of Sydney, where she explored the neuro-cognitive links between music and writing (specifically, rhythm and grammar) through empirical studies conducted in NSW and ACT classrooms. She has presented research papers for Drama Australia, AARE and AATE/ALEA. Kate presently convenes English, curriculum and Arts units at the University of Canberra.